Tag: meta

  • Thank you, readers!

    Readers, thanks to those of you who were kind enough to nominate me for the 2015 ABA Journal Blawg 100, the ABA’s listing of the 100 best legal blogs of the year. I’m happy to say that the ABA has put me on the list for the third time in the last four years. There……

  • Lago Agrio: Are The Disclosures About Doug Cassel’s Work for Chevron Sufficient?

    Readers, I feel a sense of responsibility when someone who contributes to Letters Blogatory gets in some sort of trouble on account of what he or she has written here. The first instance of this was the case of Allison Morris, a journalist with the Irish News. Those of you who followed the Belfast Project……

  • Letters Blogatory’s Annual Appeal For Nominations

    Readers, once each year—just once!—I come to you and humbly ask for your nominations for the ABA Blawg 100, a listing of what the ABA thinks are the 100 best legal blogs. I almost forgot this year—nominations are due on August 16! If you’ve gotten something useful from my continuing coverage of major cases such……

  • The Year In Review 1: Top Posts On Letters Blogatory

    Happy New Year! As I did last year, I’m providing a list of the top ten posts on Letters Blogatory, counted by unique pageviews on the Web (i.e., not including people who read the post via email subscription, or an RSS feed, or some other way). I’ve excluded index pages, for example, my page indexing……

  • Law Bloggers Can Help Improve The Web

    Readers, you may or may not know that I like to tinker with the software that runs Letters Blogatory. When I started the blog, I used a service called wordpress.com, which hosted the blog for me. Later, I rented space on a “shared server,” a server that I and many others shared and that was……