Month: December 2019

  • Some Good Legal Ads

    Readers, you may be wondering, “where as Letters Blogatory gone? Why have there been so few posts recently?” It’s just a combination of a very busy travel schedule recently and several big deadlines in my cases that all hit at the same time. Don’t worry! I will be back with new cases of the day……

  • Reflection on the UK Election

    There are many things to say about the UK election last week, and so far commentators have said many of the smart and insightful things and some of the out-of-left-field things. I want to comment on some key differences between the personalities in the UK’s 2019 election and in the upcoming US 2020 election. This……

  • HCCH a|Bridged: A Short Recap

    I had the good fortune to attend the Hague Conference’s HCCH a|Bridged event yesterday. It was an interesting time to be at the Peace Palace, as the supporters of Aung San Suu Kyi were protesting outside. Lots of protests and public interest in what was going on in the Peace Palace, the public blissfully ignorant……

  • Case of the Day: Broidy Capital Management v. Benomar

    Today’s case of the day, Broidy Capital Management LLC v. Benomar (2d Cir. 2019), is at the intersection of cloak-and-dagger intrigue, international law, and the Trump era. Elliott Broidy was the deputy finance chair of the Republican National Committee. He alleged that the State of Qatar and its agents had hacked his computers, stolen trade……

  • Introductory Note to U.S. v. Assa Co.

    The American Society of International Law was kind enough to ask me to write an introductory note about United States v. Assa Co., a case I covered here in August and that Bill Dodge and Ingrid Wuerth criticized in a paper that I covered later that month and that I cite in the note. I’m……