Tag: Trump

  • The Stormy Daniels Case: Declaratory Judgments, The Statute of Frauds, Removal and Arbitration Law For The Layperson

    Outside of work, a lot of friends have asked me about the lawsuit that pornographic actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, against the President, also, sadly, known as David Dennison. I regret having to write that sentence. Anyway, they’ve asked what I think about the merits and also what I can tell them……

  • The Muller Indictment On Russia’s Social Media Schemes: First Thoughts

    The Muller Indictment On Russia’s Social Media Schemes: First Thoughts

    By now you have read that a grand jury has indicted several Russian nationals for conspiracy and aggravated identity theft in connection with the Special Counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election. There is already plenty of news and commentary out there. Here for what it is worth is my reaction to the……

  • We Don’t Do That Here

    We Don’t Do That Here

    Americans love parades. My kids and I look forward to the Roslindale Day Parade every year. The local schools send marching bands and dancers. All the local businesses have floats. The politicians are there shaking hands and kissing babies. There are fire engines and antique cars. And sometimes the army sends a band, too. It’s……

  • Case of the Day: Ragbir v. Sessions

    I don’t know much of anything about Ravidath Ragbir. His website says that he was a longtime lawful permanent resident from Trinidad who was convicted of fraud and then, in 2006, ordered removed from the country. For nine years, the government had not deported him, he had lived a law-abiding and fruitful life, and he……

  • Oprah Winfrey Is Not The Answer

    Oprah Winfrey Is Not The Answer

    Washington has always coveted the glamor of Hollywood, and Hollywood has always wanted to be taken seriously rather than dismissed as mere entertainers. That’s why we have a White House Correspondents’ dinner, and why so many stars wear nerdy eyeglasses. But not too long ago, in a more innocent time, it was shocking when an……