Tag: meta

  • Please Nominate Letters Blogatory For The 2013 ABA Blawg 100!

    Readers, as I have for the past two years, I am asking you to nominate Letters Blogatory for the ABA’s Blawg 100, its list of the 100 best legal blogs. Your votes and support put me over the top last year, and I am hoping we can do it again in 2013. Here’s a short……

  • More on the New Search Feature

    Readers, have you tried the new Letters Blogatory search feature yet? Here are a couple of suggestions for how you can use it. You can search on more than one criterion. So for example, you could search for all cases from the Southern District of New York that involve § 1782. Or you could search……

  • New Letters Blogatory Search Feature!

    Readers, check out the Search widget on the right side of the screen. Now you can do full text searches, as before, and you can search for cases decided by particular courts or cases involving particular statutes or rules. There are still some kinks to iron out. For example, I have to rename the various……

  • Social Sharing Update: Mission Accomplished!

    I want to thank those of you who wrote to me with suggestions for dealing with the privacy problems that arise when websites use social sharing buttons. The good news is that I think I have found a solution that works. It’s software called Love Button, published by deLucks GmbH. At the foot of each……

  • Letters Blogatory Goes Over To The Dark Side

    Update: If you are particularly interested in this issue, check out this post by noted privacy and cryptography expert Bruce Schneier. Readers, I tried. Really, I did. As you may remember, I rolled out privacy-sensitive sharing buttons with great fanfare just a couple of weeks ago. The idea was to let people share Letters Blogatory……