• Case of the Day: Philipp v. Germany

    The case of the day is Philipp v. Federal Republic of Germany (D.D.C. 2017). It involves the Guelph Treasure, the Welfenschatz. In 1929, a consortium of three Jewish art dealers, J&S Goldschmidt, I. Rosenbaum, and Z.M. Hackenbroch, purchased the Treasure from the Duke of Brunswick-Lüneberg. The Treasure included dozens of medieval reliquaries and other religious……

  • Kvetch of the Day: the FSIA and the Clerks

    Okay, here is my kvetch of the day. I have a new FSIA case in a district that does not hear many FSIA cases. Under the FSIA, a foreign sovereign has sixty days, rather than twenty-one days, to answer a complaint. The clerk issued the ordinary twenty-one day summons, which was expected. I spoke with……

  • Case of the Day: Livnat v. Palestinian Authority

    The case of the day is Livnat v. Palestinian Authority (D.C. Cir. 2017). In 2011, Ben-Yosef Livnat was killed, and Yitzhak and Natan Safra were wounded, in a terrorist attack at Joseph’s Tomb, a holy site in Nablus. The Livnat and Safra families sued the Palestinian Authority, alleging that the terrorists in the incident were……

  • Case of the Day: Doe v. Ethiopia

    The case of the day is Doe v. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethopia (D.C. Cir. 2017). This is the appeal from a case of the day from June 2016. Here was my statement of the facts from then:

  • Judge Gorsuch On International Issues

    Here is a look at the record of Judge Neil Gorsuch, the President’s nominee for the Supreme Court, from the Letters Blogatory perspective. A quick note on methodology: I used the same super-secret search query that I use to find cases of the day to write about. So I may not have seen all of……