Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: St. Philip Catholic Church v. Kubicek

    The case of the day is St. Philip Catholic Church v. Kubicek (Cal. Ct. App. 2014). Josef Kubicek borrowed 19 million Czech crowns from three parishioners of St. Philip’s church in 1992, promising to repay them by 1995. When he defaulted, the Church, which had guaranteed the loans, repaid the parishioners and then sued Kubicek……

  • Case of the Day: Global Material Technologies v. Dazheng Metal Fibre Co.

    The case of the day is Global Material Technologies, Inc. v. Dazheng Metal Fibre Co. (N.D. Ill. 2014). GMT was in the business of producing and selling metallic wool products. It alleged that it owned a 25% stake in Dazheng, a Chinese firm which was in the same business. GMT ultimately stopped producing some products……

  • Thoughts on Greg Shill’s Judgment Arbitrage

    Greg Shill, now a visiting assistant professor of law at the University of Denver and formerly on the Chevron team at Gibson Dunn, has written a very interesting paper, Ending Judgment Arbitrage: Jurisdictional Competition and the Enforcement of Foreign Money Judgments in the United States, 54 Harv. J. Int’l L. 459 (2013). The paper has……

  • Case of the Day: Mont Blanc v. Khan

    The case of the day is Mont Blanc Trading Ltd. v. Khan (S.D.N.Y. 2014). Mont Blanc, which had won an arbitral award at the LCIA and then won confirmation at the English High Court, came to the US seeking recognition and enforcement. But a simple error will send Mont Blanc back to the drawing board.

  • Case of the Day: Panchenkova v. Chigirinsky

    The case of the day is Panchenkova v. Chigirinsky (Conn. Super. Ct. 2013), is an action for recognition and enforcement of a Russian divorce judgment.