Category: Meta

  • Wanted: Letters Blogatory Data Coding Helpers

    I am working on a project that will, I think, make Letters Blogatory much more useful to practicing lawyers. It will allow readers to find all cases of the day from a particular court, or all cases of the day on a particular statutory or treaty provision, with a minimum of fuss. When it is……

  • Year In Review: Who Are You, And Why Are You Here?

    As I hope all readers know, I have a very strict privacy policy, and I don’t use Google Analytics, Twitter share buttons, or any other tools that would allow Big Brother to track your visits to Letters Blogatory. But I like to look at the statistics myself to see where in the world you live,……

  • The Year in Review: The Second Circuit Steps to the Plate

    As I did last year, I am closing out 2012 with a couple of “year in review” posts. This gives me a chance to look back and see if I can spot themes in the past year in the wild and wonderful world of international judicial assistance. As a New Englander it gives me no……

  • Comments Are Now Enabled

    Readers, I have been grappling with a dramatic increase in the amount of comment spam I’ve been getting. I tried a new solution, but people have reported to me that it’s preventing them from posting comments. So I have disabled it for now and apologize to anyone who tried to comment but found the comment……

  • Guest Post by Charles Kotuby on the Chafin Case

    I’m pleased to welcome a new guest-poster to Letters Blogatory. Charles T. Kotuby Jr. is a senior associate with Jones Day in Washington and the US editor of Conflict of He’s posting on the Supreme Court’s recent grant of a petition for a writ of certiorari in Chafin v. Chafin, an interesting case under……