Author: Ted Folkman

  • No kings on Presidents’ Day!

    I am working downtown today, getting ready for a summary judgment hearing. The office is pretty quiet. I went out to run a quick errand and on my way back found myself in a march heading from Tremont Street to Boston City Hall. I joined in for a bit. The slogan, which I think is……

  • A little sunshine at the Mass. Commission on Combating Antisemitism

    Max Page, the president of the Massachusetts Teachers’ Association, was the star witness at the fourth meeting of the Massachusetts Commission on Combating Antisemitism, held last week. He was testifying about “Countering Antisemitism in K-12 Education,” according to the meeting agenda. Shortly after October 7, the union he leads, the MTA, decided to support an……

  • A day in the life

    I just came across this great description of the morning before a court appearance in Sally Rooney’s novel, Intermezzo, which I’ve been reading. True to life, except for the drugs. In the morning, hiss of the iron, buttered bread roll, milligram of alprazolam, blue tie or green. Stands at the dining table rearranging his papers……

  • Yellow alert for arbitration

    I wrote a post the other day about, an AI “arbitrator” described in a recent paper. I wasn’t sure whether the paper was an elaborate prank meant as a send-up of AI hypesters and folks with strange ideas about formalism in the law. But no, it turns out, the authors are serious, and they……

  • Case of the Day: Gartenberg v. Cooper Union

    The case of the day is Gartenberg v. Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (S.D.N.Y. 2025). The Cooper Union is a small private college in New York City. The complaint, filed by several Jewish students, makes detailed allegations about the school’s unsatisfactory response to the October 7 massacre, especially when set up……