Cartas Blogatorias Welcomes Professor Noodt Tarquela

Readers, those of you who follow Cartas Blogatorias’s coverage of news from Latin America will be glad to know that Professor Maria Blanca Noodt Tarquela of the University of Buenos Aires has signed on as the blog’s Argentina correspondent. She and her colleagues will be bringing us private international law coverage from Argentina and expanding the reach of the Cartas Blogatorias blogging empire.

I want to congratulate my colleagues, Javier Ochoa and Claudia Martínez, for bringing Cartas Blogatorias so far so fast. They’ve chosen a different model than I use here at Letters Blogatory. They’ve brought some big names in the world of South American private international law scholarship on board, and they have done a great job in the role of editor. Here at Letters Blogatory, you’re more or less stuck with me and the occasional guest post.

2 responses to “Cartas Blogatorias Welcomes Professor Noodt Tarquela”

  1. Javier Ochoa

    Thank you very much Ted. Professor Maria Blanca is indeed a big name in our world. It has been an honor to participate in this great idea that you have conceived, and that so deftly you have taken to the academic and professional community worldwide .

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