Tag: UK

  • Case of the Day: Khrapunov v. Prosyankin

    The case of the day is Khrapunov v. Prosyankin (9th Cir. 2019). Khrapunov was a defendant in an English lawsuit in which he was alleged to have misappropriated money from JSC BTA Bank, a Kazakh bank. He sought discovery from Google in the Northern District of California for use in the English case, and specifically……

  • Belfast Project: UK Supreme Court to Hear McIntyre’s Appeal

    Belfast Project: UK Supreme Court to Hear McIntyre’s Appeal

    The UK Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal of Anthony McIntyre, the former IRA member and principal researcher for the Belfast Project, the oral history project gone wrong that I covered extensively over several years. I’m not going to review the history of the case here. I’ll just say that after the UK……

  • Case of the Day: Libyan Investment Authority v. JP Morgan

    The case of the day is Libyan Investment Authority v. JP Morgan Markets Ltd., [2019] EWHC 1452 (Comm). The LIA sued JP Morgan, alleging that a 2007 trade had been procured by fraud. The LIA moved for leave to serve process on two of the defendants, Walid Mohamed Ali Al-Giahmi and Lands Company Ltd., out……

  • Case of the Day: Pablo Star v. Welsh Government

    The case of the day is Pablo Star, Ltd. v. Welsh Government (S.D.N.Y. 2019). The case involves Wales’s great twentieth-century poet, Dylan Thomas. I almost want to make this post about Thomas’s poems, because I think he is so terrific. Start reading this out loud: The force that through the green fuse drives the flower……

  • Case of the Day: ACL Netherlands BV v. Lynch

    The case of the day is ACL Netherlands BV v. Lynch, [2019] EWHC 249. A US grand jury issued a subpoena to Hewlett Packard Enterprises. The subpoena called for HP to produce documents in the possession of direct or indirect subsidiaries in the UK. But those subsidiaries had received the responsive documents in the course……