Tag: UK

  • Case of the Day: Lebel v. Mai

    The case of the day is Lebel v. Mai (Cal. App. Ct. 2012). Laura Lebel was a tenant of Eric Mai under a 2010 condominium lease. She became dissatisfied with the tenancy, moved out of the apartment, and brought an action for constructive eviction and fraud in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Lebel’s process……

  • Belfast Project: High Court Rejects McIntyre’s Application for Judicial Review

    Several news sites, including the UTV, are reporting that a judge of the Belfast High Court has rejected Anthony McIntyre’s application for judicial review of the UK authorities’ decision to seek the Belfast Project interview materials under the mutual legal assistance treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom. A written decision is not……

  • Breaking: The High Court Enters An Injunction in the Belfast Project Case

    My impeccable sources have told me that today the High Court in Belfast entered an injunction enjoining the UK authorities from receiving any materials produced by the US government in the Belfast Project case. I understand that the basis of the injunction was Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which covers freedom……

  • Case of the Day: Corraro v. Moody International

    The case of the day is Corraro v. Moody International (N.D. Okla. 2012). The plaintiff, Vickie F. Corrara, sued Moody International, also known as Intertek, for sexual harassment during her employment with Moody. Moody was a UK entitly. For reasons that are unclear, Corraro’s lawyer addressed the summons to Intertek Testing Services, a subsidiary of……

  • Belfast Project: Boston College Files Its Reply Brief

    Boston College has filed its reply brief in its appeal in the Belfast Project case. As I read the brief, BC is conceding the issue of evidentiary privilege in light of the First Circuit’s decision in McIntyre & Moloney’s appeal. In other words, BC is no longer claiming that there is a privilege to refuse……