Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: De Fontbrune v. Wofsy

    The case of the day is De Fontbrune v. Wofsy (N.D. Cal. 2014). Yves Sicre de Fotbrune sued Alan Wofsy in the French courts for copyright infringement. The claim was that Wofsy had reproduced two photographs by Christian Zervos, in which de Fotbrune claimed to have rights, in two catalogues of artwork by Picasso. The……

  • Case of the Day: United States v. Brazil

    The case of the day is United States v. Federative Republic of Brazil (2d Cir. 2014). This was the appeal of United States v. Barry Fisher Law Firm. Here was my summary of the case from the previous post:

  • Case of the Day: Harvardsky Prumyslovy Holding v. Kozeny

    The case of the day is Harvardsky Prumyslovy Holding A.S. v. Kozeny (N.Y. App. Div. 2014). In the 1990s, when Czech state-owned enterprises were being privatized, citizens were given vouchers to purchase shares in some of the firms. The vouchers could also be assigned to investment privatization funds, which would invest them on the citizen-assignor’s……

  • Case of the Day: St. Philip Catholic Church v. Kubicek

    The case of the day is St. Philip Catholic Church v. Kubicek (Cal. Ct. App. 2014). Josef Kubicek borrowed 19 million Czech crowns from three parishioners of St. Philip’s church in 1992, promising to repay them by 1995. When he defaulted, the Church, which had guaranteed the loans, repaid the parishioners and then sued Kubicek……

  • Case of the Day: Global Material Technologies v. Dazheng Metal Fibre Co.

    The case of the day is Global Material Technologies, Inc. v. Dazheng Metal Fibre Co. (N.D. Ill. 2014). GMT was in the business of producing and selling metallic wool products. It alleged that it owned a 25% stake in Dazheng, a Chinese firm which was in the same business. GMT ultimately stopped producing some products……