Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Kuznetsov v. Kuznetsova

    The case of the day is Kuznetsov v. Kuznetsova (N.Y. App. Div. 2015). The husband and wife were married in Russia in 1991. In 2003, the husband obtained an ex parte judgment of divorce from a Russian court. In 2007, the husband then sought a divorce, and other relief, in Kings County, New York. The……

  • Case of the Day: Alberta Securities Commission v. Ryckman

    The case of the day is Alberta Securities Commission v. Ryckman (Del. Super. Ct. 2015). In 1996, the Alberta Securities Commission, following a hearing, found that Lawrence G. Ryckman, the chairman and director of Westgroup, had violated Alberta securities laws by participating in a “complex scheme that created a false and misleading appearance of trading……

  • Case of the Day: Symons International Group v. Continental Casualty

    The case of the day is Symons International Group, Inc. v. Continental Casualty Co. (S.D. Ind. 2015). Continental Casualty, the third party plaintiff, won a $34.2 million judgment against the third party defendant, Robert Symons, the successor in interest (maybe the heir, or executor—the decision doesn’t make it clear) of G. Gordon Symons. Symons resided……

  • Case of the Day: Core VCT plc v. Hensley

    The case of the day is Core VCT plc v. Hensley (D.D.C. 2015). Core VCT and Core VCT IV plc, both of which were English public limited companies with their principal places of business in London, sued James Hensley in the High Court. They obtained a default judgment there, and they brought an action for……

  • Case of the Day: Folex Golf v. O-TA Precision Industries

    The case of the day is Folex Golf Industries, Inc. v. O-TA Precision Industries Co. (9th Cir. 2015). Folex broght an action against O-TA in the Cenral District of California. O-TA argued that a Chinese default judgment against Folex, in an action against Folex brought by the Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute, would have collateral……