Tag: Libya

  • Case of the Day: Alimanestianu v. United States

    The case of the day is Alimanestianu v. United States (Fed. Cir. 2018). I have written about the case twice before, first on the decision on the motion to dismiss in December 2015, then on the decision on the motion for summary judgment in January 2017. Here was my description from the prior post:

  • Case of the Day: Alimanestianu v. United States

    The case of the day is Alimanestianu v. United States (Fed. Cl. 2016). This is the summary judgment decision following the decision on a motion to dismiss that I covered in December 2015. Here was my statement of the facts from the earlier post: The plaintiffs are relatives of Mihai Alimanestianu, an American citizen who……

  • Case of the Day: Aviation & General Insurance Co. v. United States

    The case of the day is Aviation & General Insurance Co. v. United States (Fed. Cl. 2016). I first wrote about the case in June 2015, in connection with the decision denying the government’s motion to dismiss. Here was my description from the prior post: The plaintiffs were insurance and reinsurance companies that had insured……

  • Case of the Day: Alimanestianu v. United States

    The case of the day is Alimanestianu v. United States (Fed. Cl. 2015). The plaintiffs are relatives of Mihai Alimanestianu, an American citizen who was killed aboard an airplane that exploded over Niger in 1989. The explosion was due to a terrorist act sponsored by the Libyan government. In 1996, Congress amended the FSIA to……

  • Case of the Day: Aviation & General Insurance Co. v. United States

    The case of the day is Aviation & General Insurance Co. v. United States (Fed. Cl. 2015). The plaintiffs were insurance and reinsurance companies that had insured the aircraft hulls used on EgyptAir flight 648 and PanAm flight 103, two flights that were victims of terrorist attacks that, the United States determined, were sponsored by……