Tag: Israel

  • The ICJ’s Decision

    The ICJ’s decision today on provisional measures in the case South Africa brought against Israel under the Genocide Convention is not the end of the world. It requires Israel to “take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of” Article II of the Genocide Convention, and to……

  • What are International Law Blogs Saying About the War in Israel?

    Readers, an apology. I know you come to Letters Blogatory to read about international judicial assistance. But I find myself unable to write about anything other than the war in Israel. It will pass in time. But in the meanwhile, if you prefer not to read posts like this one, feel free to skip it!……

  • A Sad Day In Israel

    Readers, you all have read about the Hamas surprise attack on Israel on Saturday and probably seen the distressing videos and images of atrocities including the murder, kidnapping, and assault of civilians and the celebrations that followed. Saturday was the saddest day for the Jewish people that I can remember in my lifetime. I think……

  • Case of the Day: Ben Haim v. Doe

    Case of the Day: Ben Haim v. Doe

    The case of the day is Ben Haim v. Doe (D.D.C. 2023). Tamar Ben Haim, who lives in Jerusalem, alleged that she was assaulted by an unknown, off-duty agent with the Secret Service who was on the advance team preparing for President Biden’s visit to Israel in 2022. Following the alleged assault, she claimed, the……

  • Interesting Issue of the Day: Recognition of Remote Civil Marriages In Israel

    The Forward and friend of Letters Blogatory Eugene Volokh have both written about an interesting case before the Israeli Supreme Court. In Israel, which kept the old Ottoman laws on personal status after independence, all marriages must be contracted in a religious ceremony; there is no civil marriage. This law makes it impossible for some……