Tag: domicile

  • Case of the Day: Marriage of Quijada and Dominguez

    Friend of Letters Blogatory Melissa Kucinski has an excellent post about Marriage of Quijada and Dominguez (Ariz. 2024), an interesting case about domicile in divorce. The spouses moved to Arizona on TN and TD visas. These are special nonimmigrant visas, created under NAFTA, for workers in certain professional fields who have jobs in their field……

  • Case of the Day: Windecker v. Hang

    The case of the day is Windecker v. Hang Wei (W.D. Tex. 2020). Windecker sued Hang Wei, a Chinese national, and served him with process by leaving the documents at a home owned by him and his wife in North Carolina. Hang argued that Windecker should have served process on him via the Hague Service……

  • Case of the Day: Rose v. Rose

    The case of the day is Rose v. Rose (Mass. App. Ct. 2019). The husband, a citizen of France, and the wife, a citizen of the United States and Canada, were married in New York in 2011. Both worked as international officers for the United Nations, and they were “assigned to missions all over the……