Tag: Belfast Project

  • Belfast Project: Update on the High Court Hearing

    The High Court in Belfast has held a hearing on whether or not to extend the injunction barring the UK authorities from receiving materials produced by the US in response to the UK’s request under the two countries’ mutual legal assistance treaty. The BBC is reporting that the judge has set another hearing for next……

  • Belfast Project: Recap of the Argument in the First Circuit

    Although it was overshadowed somewhat by the High Court’s injunction today, the First Circuit heard oral argument in Boston College’s appeal from a portion of Judge Young’s judgment in the Belfast Project case. All prior coverage is at my Belfast Project index page. The three judges who heard the case were Judge Boudin, Judge Torruella,……

  • Breaking: The High Court Enters An Injunction in the Belfast Project Case

    My impeccable sources have told me that today the High Court in Belfast entered an injunction enjoining the UK authorities from receiving any materials produced by the US government in the Belfast Project case. I understand that the basis of the injunction was Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which covers freedom……

  • Belfast Project: Moloney & McIntyre Ask The First Circuit to Stay Its Mandate

    As predicted, Ed Moloney & Anthony McIntyre have filed a motion asking the First Circuit to stay its mandate pending the filing of a petition to the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari. The motion is solid and has, I think, a good chance of success. From a very practical perspective, production of the……

  • Breaking: First Circuit Denies Rehearing In Belfast Project Case

    As expected, the First Circuit has denied Moloney & McIntyre’s petition for a hearing by the panel or en banc in the Belfast Project case. There was no dissent. Moloney & McIntyre have already signaled their intention to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court. For those of you wanting……