Tag: Belfast Project

  • A Review of Palys and Lowman on the Belfast Project

    Several readers have gotten in touch to tell me that I ought to write about the new article by Ted Palys and John Lowman, Defending Research Confidentiality “To The Extent The Law Allows:” Lessons From the Boston College Subpoenas. The readers seem to be hoping for some kind of major-league smackdown of the article. So……

  • Belfast Project: Moloney & McIntyre File Petition for Certiorari

    On Friday Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre filed their petition for a writ of certiorari in the Belfast Project case. The filing of the petition extends Justice Breyer’s stay of the First Circuit’s mandate at least until the Supreme Court decides whether to grant the petition and hear the case on the merits. The petition……

  • Some Thoughts On the Belfast Project in the Supreme Court

    Many readers have asked me what I think will happen in the Belfast Project case now that it is on the doorstep of the Supreme Court. The short answer is: “I don’t know.” I and others can make educated or not-so-educated guesses, but in the end, anyone who says he knows what will happen doesn’t……

  • Breaking: Justice Breyer Extends the Belfast Project Stay

    Justice Breyer extended the temporary stay in the Belfast Project case today, without referring the application to the full court. Here is the text of his order: Oct 17 2012 Application (12A310) granted by Justice Breyer. UPON FURTHER CONSIDERATION of the application of counsel for the applicants, the response filed thereto, and the reply, IT……

  • Belfast Project: The Government Opposes the Application for a Stay

    Yesterday the government filed its opposition to Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre’s application to Justice Breyer for a stay in the Belfast Project case. In an earlier order, Justice Breyer had granted a temporary stay pending the government’s opposition. The brief was filed by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. It makes two kinds of……