• President Obama Vetoes JASTA

    Since we are talking about the other branches of government getting involved in foreign sovereign immunity, here is a report on the proposed Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, S. 2040. The purpose of the bill is “to provide civil litigants with the broadest possible basis, consistent with the Constitution of the United States, to……

  • Case of the Day: Harrison v. Sudan

    The case of the day is Harrison v. Sudan (2d Cir. 2016). I wrote about the case about a year ago. Today’s decision is on a petition for rehearing brought by Sudan, joined by the United States as amicus curiae. Here was my statement of the facts from the prior post:

  • Vivian Curran on FSIA Immunity and Genocide In The Restatement (Fourth)

    I bring you an excerpt from Professor Vivian Curran’s forthcoming paper, Harmonizing Multinational Parent Company Liability for Foreign Subsidiary Human Rights Violations, 17 Chicago J. Int’l L. (2017). The excerpt has to do primarily with the evolving exception to FSIA immunity in cases of expropriation in connection with genocide. I’ve covered aspects of some of……

  • Case of the Day: Sokolow v. PLO

    The case of the day is Sokolow v. Palestine Liberation Organization (2d Cir. 2016). I wrote about a similar case, Safra v. Palestinian Authority, back in 2015. The gist of the earlier case, which was decided in Washington, was that the Palestinian Authority could not be sued for damages under the Anti-Terrorism Act because it……

  • Case of the Day: Aviation & General Insurance Co. v. United States

    The case of the day is Aviation & General Insurance Co. v. United States (Fed. Cl. 2016). I first wrote about the case in June 2015, in connection with the decision denying the government’s motion to dismiss. Here was my description from the prior post: The plaintiffs were insurance and reinsurance companies that had insured……