Tag: Argentina

  • Case of the Day: NML Capital v. Republic of Argentina

    Worlds collide in today’s case of the day, NML Capital v. Republic of Argentina (N.D. Cal. 2013). NML Capital, Argentina’s bête noire, sought asset discovery about Argentina in aid of its judgment. Fair enough under FRCP 69. But the target of its subpoena? Chevron. How great is that? In an earlier order, which I did……

  • BREAKING: Argentine Appellate Court Upholds Chevron Asset Freeze In the Lago Agrio Case

    According to Enrique Bruchou, a lawyer for the Lago Agrio plaintiffs quoted by Reuters, an Argentine appellate court has upheld a lower court’s order freezing the assets of Chevron affiliates in Argentina. As I reported in November, a judge in Buenos Aires, acting under the Inter-American Convention on Execution of Preventive Measures, had issued an……

  • Updates on Lago Agrio and Argentina

    So as not to get too far into the week without some cases of the day, I am going to cover some recent happenings in two of our favorite cases in a single post. First is an update on the hearing on Chevron’s motion to dismiss in Toronto; second, the hearing on the Liberdad case……

  • Second Circuit Grants Argentina a Stay

    Yesterday the Second Circuit granted Argentina’s motion for an emergency stay of Judge Griesa’s injunction. I suspect the court was concerned with the representations Argentina and others had made about the consequences of the injunction for the US payment system, for New York as a financial center, and for the sovereign debt market.

  • Argentina Seeks A Stay from the Second Circuit

    Argentina has moved for an emergency stay of Judge Griesa’s injunction. As we saw earlier this week, the judge had lifted the stay of his injunction in light of Argentina’s announced intention never to pay the owners of its defaulted bonds. Argentina’s stay request makes a few interesting points. First, Argentina argues that the injunction……