Category: Shameless Self-promotion

  • US Pretrial Discovery for Foreign Litigants

    Here is a link to an article Penny Gilbert and I recently published in CDR, a British legal magazine, on US judicial assistance for litigants in British civil litigation. The article covers some of the key concepts in the judicial assistance statute and the mechanics of making a request for judicial assistance. Thanks to CDR……

  • New Chinese Conflict of Laws Statute

    Conflict of has posted a new translation of the Statute on the Application of Laws over Foreign-Related Civil Relations of the People’s Republic of China, which goes into effect on April 1, 2011. I was most interested in its provisions on choice of law with regard to IP issues and in arbitration. In the……

  • Arbitral Tribunals as “Tribunals” Under The Judicial Assistance Statute

    Prior to 2004, it was fairly clear that arbitral tribunals were not “tribunals” for purposes of the judicial assistance statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1782, and thus that the statute did not authorize the District Courts to compel discovery in aid of foreign arbitrations. But in light of dicta in Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.,……