Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Qiu v. Zhang

    The case of the day is Qiu v. Zhang (C.D. Cal. 2017). In 2013, Qinrong Qiu lent 21 million RMB to Hongying Zhang and his wife, Xinghua Yu, in China. Zhang and Yu defaulted, and Qiu sued them in the Suzhou Industrial Park People’s Court. That court entered judgment for Qiu in 2016, and the……

  • Case of the Day: Desiano v. Envision Foods

    The case of the day is Desiano v. Envision Foods, Inc. (Mass. Super. Ct. 2017). I love this one. Ralph Desiano had a Florida money judgment for nearly $200,000 against Envision. Desiano’s case against Envision had nothing to do with Massachusetts, and Envision was not subject to general personal jurisdiction here, either. But Envision was……

  • Case of the Day: Sonic Finance v. Prima

    The case of the day is Sonic Finance Inc. v. Prima Pte. Ltd. (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2017). Sonic Finance and Mirage Finace owned two ships, the Sunray and the moonray. They contracted with Prima Pte. Ltd., a special-purpose entity set up for the transaction, for the purchase and sale of the Sunray. They contracted with……

  • Lago Agrio: LAPs Abandon Recognition and Enforcement Effort in Brazil

    Lago Agrio: LAPs Abandon Recognition and Enforcement Effort in Brazil

    The group representing the Lago Agrio plaintiffs announced last week that they have abandoned their efforts to have the Lago Agrio judgment recognized and enforced in Brazil. The announcement came on the same day the case was to be heard in the Brazilian court. According to the LAPs, Chevron had submitted documents to the court……

  • Case of the Day: Handshoe v. Perret

    The case of the day is Handshoe v. Perret (S.D. Miss. 2017). The case is related to Trout Point Lodge Ltd. v. Handshoe, 729 F.3d 481 (5th Cir. 2013), the first appellate decision on the SPEECH Act. We haven’t seen the Act in a while, so just as a reminder, the purpose of the Act……