Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Vuillermin v. Mitsubishi

    The case of the day is Vuillermin v. Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2017). Christophe Vuillermin, a Frenchman, was convicted of fraud in France. After he completed his prison term, Vuillermin “absconded,” ending up in Miami. The victim of the fraud, Mitsubishi, brought a civil claim in connection with the criminal case……

  • Case of the Day: EFF v. Global Equity Management

    The case of the day is EFF v. Global Equity Management (SA) Pty Ltd., (N.D. Cal. 2017). No, you are not experiencing déjà vu— this is the same case we saw on Wednesday. As you will recall, Global Equity had gotten an injunction against the Electronic Frontier Foundation in a South Australian court requiring EFF……

  • Case of the Day: EFF v. Global Equity Management

    The case of the day is Electronic Frontier Foundation v. Global Equity Management (SA) Pty Ltd. (N.D. Cal. 2017). EFF publishes “Stupid Patent of the Month” articles on its website, focusing its fire on what it says are questionable patents used to stifle innovation. Global Equity was the owner of a US patent that drew……

  • Case of the Day: Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland v. Holland America Bulb Farms

    Case of the Day: Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland v. Holland America Bulb Farms

    The case of the day is Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland B.V. v. Holland America Bulb Farms, Inc. (9th Cir. 2017). Holland America, a Washington corporation, had a business relationship with Midbrook, a Dutch company, under which Holland America purchased flower bulbs from Midbrook. A dispute arose. Midbrook claimed Holland America had failed to pay an invoice;……

  • Lago Agrio: Argentine Court Refuses to Enforce Ecuadoran Judgment

    A first-instance court in Argentina has decided to refuse enforcement of the Ecuadoran judgment against Chevron. The decision is not, as far as I know, yet available in English. Chevron has, though, published a translation of a key phrase: Chevron has no assets in Argentina and is not domiciled there, which “seals the fate of……