Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: VTB Bank v. Mavlyanov

    Case of the Day: VTB Bank v. Mavlyanov

    Update (2/6/18): Marian Dent, a well-informed reader who is based in Russia, has sorted out my confusion on the sanctions issue in the comments below the post. The case of the day is VTB Bank (PJSC) v. Mavlyanov (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2018). VTB, a Russian bank, sought recognition and enforcement of a $37 million Russian……

  • Case of the Day: Carmona v. Carmona

    The case of the day is Carmona v. Carmona (In re Carmona) (Bankr. S.D. Texas. 2018)>. Maria Rosales was married to Hector Carmona. In 1991, the wife sold a parcel of land in Guanajuato, Mexico without her husband’s consent. (Mexico is a community property jurisdiction, as are Texas and several other southwestern states once ruled……

  • Attorney General of Canada v. Malone

    The case of the day is Attorney General of Canada v. Malone (Cal. Ct. App. 2018). John Malone had failed to repay his Canadian student loans. In 1991, the Canadian government sued him in Edmonton. Malone was living in California at the time. In 2003, the court entered judgment against him for nearly $40 thousand.……

  • Case of the Day: Sahyouni v. Mamisch

    The case of the day is Sahyouni v. Mamisch (ECJ 2017). I previewed the case in September. Here was my description: The husband and the wife, both Syrian nationals by birth, were married in an Islamic court in Homs, Syria in 1999. They moved to Germany, and both were German citizens. In 2013, the husband……

  • Lago Agrio Court: STJ Rejects Ecuadoran Judgment

    Lago Agrio Court: STJ Rejects Ecuadoran Judgment

    The Chevronologists among you know that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs have tried to obtain recognition of their Ecuadoran judgment in three jurisdictions: Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. The attempt in Argentina failed last month. The proceedings in Canada were rejected by the first instance court in January 2017 but are still on appeal. The LAPs, perhaps……