Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • From the Lago Agrio Desk

    There are two developments today in the Lago Agrio saga. You can find all Letters Blogatory coverage of the Lago Agrio case here. First, Judge Lewis Kaplan denied the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ motion to recuse himself. The motion seemed fairly weak, given that to the extent the judge had formed a negative opinion of Donziger……

  • Case of the Day: Osorio v. Dow Chemical Co.

    The Case of the Day, Osorio v. Dow Chemical Co. (11th Cir. 2011), is reminiscent of the Lago Agrio case. Claim for massive environmental tort in Latin America? Check. A large group of workers and peasants as plaintiffs? Check. Claims of procedural improprieties and partiality in the Latin American courts? Check. American reluctance to recognize……

  • Case of the Day: Sanchez v. Lord

    HT to Antonin I. Pribetic for his post on the case of the day, Sanchez v. Lord (Mo. Ct. App. 2011), the first case of the day applying the SPEECH Act. Our previous coverage of the Act, which provides a rule of non-recognition for foreign defamation judgments that do not comply with U.S. constitutional law,……

  • Recognition of foreign judgments in defamation cases: the SPEECH Act

    Gilles Cuniberti has posted the abstract of Lili Levi’s new paper on The Problem of Trans-national Libel at Conflict of, as has Antonin I. Pribetic at the Trial Warrior Blog. The paper discusses the SPEECH Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 4101-4105, which was enacted last year. Because the SPEECH Act provides a rule of non-recognition……

  • Case of the Day: Hubei Gezhouba Sanlian Indus. Co. v. Robinson Helicopter Co.

    Today’s case of the day, Hubei Gezhouba Sanlian Indus., Co. v. Robinson Helicopter Co. (9th Cir. 2011) (mem.), is all of one paragraph long, but it is highly interesting. According to the District Court’s decision, here are the facts: The plaintiffs, Sanlian and Pinghu, were Chinese firms doing business in Hubei Province. The defendant, Robinson Helicopter Co., was a California firm.……