Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Lago Agrio: Gibraltar and Other Updates

    A few updates from the Lago Agrio case: The Supreme Court of Gibraltar has entered a default judgment against Pablo Fajardo, the Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia, and others, for approximately $38 million in damages. It also enjoins them from doing anything “in or from Gibraltar for the purpose of assisting or supporting” the……

  • Lago Agrio: Chevron Prevails In Ontario Court of Appeal

    Lago Agrio: Chevron Prevails In Ontario Court of Appeal

    The Court of Appeal for Ontario has affirmed the Superior Court’s decision holding that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs cannot reach the assets of Chevron’s indirect subsidiary in Canada to satisfy the judgment against Chevron they obtained in Ecuador.

  • Case of the Day: Alpha Bank v. Yakovlev

    The case of the day is AO Alpha Bank v. Yakovlev (Cal. Ct. App. 2018). Alpha, a Russian bank, loaned money in 2007 and 2008 to Trial Trading House, LLC, a Russian firm. Oleg Yakovlev personally guaranteed the loan on terms set out in a separate surety agreement. The surety agreement chose the Meschansky District……

  • Case of the Day: Blizzard Entertainment v. Bossland

    The case of the day is Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. v. Bossland GmbH, from the Landgericht Leipzig. It came to my attention thanks to eagle-eyed reader Lukas Heinemann. Blizzard had a $8 million default judgment against Bossland from the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. The case arose out of alleged violations of……

  • Case of the Day: AlbaniaBEG Ambient v. Enel

    The case of the day is AlbaniaBEG Ambient Sh.p.k. v. Enel S.p.A. (N.Y. App. Div. 2018). I wrote about a related procedural decision in March 2016. AlbaniaBEG was the Albanian subsidiary of Becchetti Energy Group S.p.A., an Italian firm. The defendants, Enel S.p.A. and Enelpower S.p.A., are also Italian companies; Enel is Italy’s largest power……