Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • More Thoughts On The Second Circuit Decision In Chevron Corp. v. Naranjo

    In my last post on Chevron v. Naranjo, I disagreed with the notion that some peculiarity of the Uniform Foreign Money Judgment Recognition Act implied that a party facing recognition and enforcement proceedings could not seek a declaration that the foreign judgment was not entitled to recognition. But a comment by Roger Alford at the……

  • Did The Second Circuit Get It Right?

    My first post on the Second Circuit’s blockbuster decision in the Chevron/Ecuador case highlighted the court’s emphasis on comity as a reason not to enjoin recognition and enforcement actions in other countries. I think the court got this 100% right. Thus I agree that Judge Kaplan’s injunction was improper. But I also noted that I……

  • Chevron Soundly Defeated In The Second Circuit: Chevron Corp. v. Naranjo

    What a film this will make someday! The Second Circuit handed Chevron a major defeat today in its efforts to avoid enforcement of the multi-billion dollar judgment against it in Ecuador and vindicated the international comity concerns that have been at the heart of the criticisms I and many others have leveled at Judge Kaplan’s……

  • Breaking News: Second Circuit Denies Chevron’s Motion For Relief

    Today the Second Circuit denied Chevron’s motion for relief in a brief order, without opinion. In my post of January 5, 2011, I gave some substantive and procedural reasons for thinking that the motion should be denied. On the procedural side, there wasn’t a clear hook for Chevron to seek what was, in effect, reconsideration……

  • Chevron Seeks Relief in the Second Circuit

    Here’s an update on the quickly-moving Lago Agrio case, following on yesterday’s decision by the Ecuadoran appellate court affirming the multi-billion dollar judgment against Chevron. Here is a copy of the Ecuadoran judgment, in Spanish, with portions translated. Chevron has filed a motion with the Second Circuit asking the court to grant relief from its……