Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Negrepontis-Giannisis v. Greece

    HT to Pietro Franzina for a pointer to the case of the day, Negrepontis-Giannisis v. Greece (ECHR 2011). Nikolaos Negrepontis-Giannisis was born in Athens in 1964. He had always been close with his uncle, who was born Mikhail Negrepontis, but who was renamed Timotheos when he was ordained in the Greek Orthodox church. At age……

  • Chevron Seeks Summary Judgment

    Chevron has filed a motion for partial summary judgment in the RICO case against the Lago Agrio plaintiffs and their lawyers. In a nutshell, the claim in the case was that the defendants took part in the supposed corruption in Ecuador that led to Ecuador’s judgment against Chevron. Those of the defendants who appeared in……

  • Lago Agrio: A Quick Overview

    Let’s take stock of where things stand in the Chevron/Ecuador saga. In this post, I try to review the main fronts of the battle, leaving subsidiary issues (such as the judicial assistance applications, which were what first got me interested in the case) to the side. Is the judgment final and conclusive in Ecuador? The……

  • The Lago Agrio Plaintiffs Win Another Round (The Last?) In Ecuador

    In a not-unexpected development, the Lago Agrio plaintiffs won the latest round in Ecuador’s courts. An appellate court rejected Chevron’s request to be excused from the ordinary requirement of posting a bond in order to suspend the operation of the lower court’s $18 billion judgment while it pursues its appeal. This is not a surprise,……

  • Two Wins For Chevron

    After some significant defeats, Chevron had a significant victory this week. The arbitral tribunal hearing Chevron’s claim against Ecuador under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty again ordered Ecuador to “take all measures necessary to suspend or cause to be suspended the enforcement and recognition within and without Ecuador of the judgments” the Ecuadoran courts issued……