Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Questions For The Lago Agrio Plaintiffs

    For reasons that are not entirely clear, partisans of both Chevron and the the Lago Agrio plaintiffs have devoted some time to arguing their case in the legal blogosphere. I say that the reasons are not entirely clear because nothing in the litigation turns on whether the parties can persuade legal bloggers and other dilettantes……

  • Case of the Day: Shehadeh v. Alexander

    The case of the day is Shehadeh v. Alexander (Ga. Ct. App. 2012). Abdel Karim Shehadeh, Mark Alexander, and others were parties to an operating agreement for Hydrajet Technology, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company. Shahadeh and Alexander entered into a separate agreement under which Shehadeh was to purchase Alexander’s interest in Hydrajet. Litigation over……

  • Case of the Day: Montebueno Marketing v. Del Monte Foods

    The case of the day is Montebueno Marketing, Inc. v. Del Monte Foods Corp.—USA (N.D. Cal. 2012). Montebueno was Del Monte’s distributor in the Philippines. When Del Monte terminated the distribution contract in 1996, Montebueno sued, in the Philippines courts, for breach of the contract, even though the contract had an agreement to arbitrate. While……

  • More on the Doug Cassel Post

    On March 17 I commented on Doug Cassel’s post at Opinio Juris. Professor Cassel is one of the authors of an amicus brief Chevron filed with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. While I frequently get reactions to my Lago Agrio posts from partisans on one side or the other, this was the first time……

  • Doug Cassel on the Lago Agrio Case

    Doug Cassel, professor of law at Notre Dame Law School and one of the authors of an amicus brief in favor of Chevron in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights proceedings, has an important post up at Opinio Juris on the Lago Agrio case. He lays out some of the reasons why he concluded, after……