Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Breaking: A Close Call For The Lago Agrio Plaintiffs As Judge Kaplan Denies Chevron’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

    There was little question that Judge Kaplan’s decision on Chevron’s motion for partial summary judgment would have unhappy things to say about the Lago Agrio plaintiffs. Judge Kaplan’s decision lives up to expectations, taking the Lago Agrio plaintiffs to task in just about every way. But somewhat to my surprise, Judge Kaplan denied Chevron’s motion,……

  • Case of the Day: Ingaseosas v. Aconcagua

    The case of the day is Ingaseosas International Co. v. Aconcagua Investing Ltd. (11th Cir. 2012). We first saw the case way back in February 2011. Here was my description of the facts from the earlier post: Ingaseosas and Aconcagua were both British Virgin Islands firms. They entered into a stock purchase agreement concerning shares……

  • Update on Chevron’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

    Update on Chevron’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

    As I noted in a previous post, the Lago Agrio plaintiffs had pleaded—or at least it seemed they had pleaded—res judicata as an affirmative defense to Chevron’s RICO claims, arguing that the Ecuadoran judgment should have preclusive effect and should bar relitigation of Chevron’s claims of fraud. When Chevron sought partial summary judgment on the……

  • Case of the Day: Markin v. Grohmann

    The case of the day is Markin v. Grohmann (Idaho 2012). In 1997, Thomas Grohmann sued Ron Markin on a promissory note Markin had given Grohmann in 1988 connection with a half-million dollar business loan. The suit was in the Central District of California. The parties settled the suit, and their settlement agreement provided that……

  • The Lago Agrio Case in Brazil: Why?

    Rafael Salomão Romano is a fourth-year law student at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janiero. He has been an International Judicial Assistance scholar since 2010, working under Prof. Dr. Daniela Trejos Vargas. He is also an intern in the law department at the Globo Organization, Brazil’s largest media corporation. Ecuadorians are currently seeking……