Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Burgan Express v. Atwood

    The case of the day is Burgan Express for General, Trading & Contracting Co. v. Atwood (S.D. Ohio 2012). The plaintiffs were Burgan Express, a Kuwaiti company, and Mahmoud Mohammad Abbas Hajia Khajah, a Kuwaiti national and the owner of Burgan. The defendants were Wolfpack Security Services, Inc., an Ohio corporation, and Mark Anthony Atwood,……

  • Mamma Mia!: Ontario appeal court upholds $600,000 Italian judgment against an Ontario lawyer

    IJA Brigade member Antonin Pribetić comments today on a recent Ontario case on recognition and enforcement of an Italian judgment. His piece is cross-posted at The Trial Warrior. Today’s decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Sincies Chiementin S.p.A. v. King, 2012 ONCA 653, upholds a summary judgment, enforcing a foreign judgment issued by……

  • Case of the Day: Estate of Toland v. Toland

    The case of the day is Estate of Toland v. Toland (Wash. Ct. App. 2012). Paul Toland, a US naval officer, married Estuko Toland, a Japanese woman, while stationed in Japan. Estuko sought and received a divorce while the couple was living in Japan, and the divorce decree included a division of property, an order……

  • Lago Agrio: The Wheels of Government Turn Slowly

    Here is one for the cautionary tale files. On Sept. 18, I published a post noting that Chevron had not filed an opposition to the renewal of Ecuador’s trade preferences and wondering why that might be. I hedged my bets by noting that “it’s possible [ellipsis] that Chevron has submitted a petition that simply hasn’t……

  • The Motions to Dismiss in Yaiguaje

    As promised, I have dragooned Letters Blogatory’s Canadian correspondent, Antonin Pribetić, into posting a quick comment on the recent developments in the Yaiguaje case. Thanks, Antonin! Stay tuned tomorrow for a first look at Donziger’s new proposed counterclaims in the RICO case. The affidavits filed by the Chevron defendants each address the issues of inter-corporate……