Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Dion v. Rieser

    The case of the day is Dion v. Rieser (N.M. Ct. App. 2012). Richard Rieser died intestate in 2007. He was unmarried and had no children, and he owned property both in New Mexico and in Australia. He was survived by his partner, Margaret Anne Dion; the two had lived together at various times in……

  • Case of the Day: SB v. WA

    The Case of the Day is SB v. WA (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2012). The parties were civilly married in New York in 1998. About a month later, they had a religious wedding ceremony in New York and, as part of the ceremony, they signed a mahr agreement, which, under Islamic law, obligates the husband to……

  • Event Announcement: Mass Torts in a Shrinking World, Nov. 2

    On Friday, November 2, the University of Pennsylvania Law School’s Journal of International Law will be hosting its Fall 2012 Symposium, in association with the International Human Rights Advocates and the International Law Organization. The title is “Mass Torts in a Shrinking World.” There will be four panels with some really outstanding participants, including Michael……

  • Lago Agrio: New Ecuadoran Decision

    Here, courtesy of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ PR people, is a copy of a new decision by the Provincial Court of Justice in Sucumbios, the Ecuadoran court at the center of the Lago Agrio case. Unfortunately, no translation is yet available as far as I know, so I can’t really comment on the merits. The……

  • Breaking: Supreme Court Denies Cert. in Naranjo

    Today the Supreme Court denied Chevron’s petition for a writ of certiorari in Chevron v. Naranjo, the case in which the Second Circuit had vacated Judge Kaplan’s preliminary injunction barring efforts at obtaining recognition and enforcement of the Lago Agrio judgment. The Second Circuit’s decision rested on what I think was a questionable basis, namely,……