Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Jenner v. Ecoplus

    The case of the day is Jenner v. Ecoplus, Inc. (N.C. Ct. App. 2012). Matthew Jenner and Julia Markson, both UK nationals, lent money to Ecoplus, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation doing business in North Carolina. Ecoplus defaulted on the loans, and Jenner and Markson sued in the Western District of North Carolina. But Ecoplus moved……

  • Lago Agrio: Judge Kaplan Mostly Denies The Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings

    On November 7 I noted that the Ecuadoran plaintiffs had filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings on Chevron’s claims for fraud. Chevron’s claim is that the Ecuadoran plaintiffs deceived the Ecuadoran court, or in the alternative that the Ecuadoran plaintiffs participated in a deception perpetrated by the Ecuadoran court, and that the deception……

  • Updates on Lago Agrio and Argentina

    So as not to get too far into the week without some cases of the day, I am going to cover some recent happenings in two of our favorite cases in a single post. First is an update on the hearing on Chevron’s motion to dismiss in Toronto; second, the hearing on the Liberdad case……

  • Lago Agrio: Chevron Accuses DiNapoli

    I am posting tomorrow’s post today, so there will be no post tomorrow, or on Friday. We’ll be back on Monday! I’m reporting on two developments in the Lago Agrio case today. First, according to La Nacion, Chevron is projecting that its subsidiaries in Argentina would have to cease operations by the end of the……

  • Argentina Takes the Liberdad Case to the ITLOS

    As I briefly noted a few weeks ago, a Ghanaian court, on the motion of NML Capital, arrested an Argentine naval vessel, the ARA Liberdad, while it was in port. NML, of course, is one of Argentina’s creditors on its sovereign debt. A coup for NML and its lawyers, and highly embarrassing for Argentina. I……