Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Chevron Opposes the LAPs’ Mandamus Petition

    Chevron has filed its opposition to the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ petition for mandamus. There’s a procedural component to the argument: Chevron claims the LAPs have an adequate appellate remedy and that they delayed too long in bringing their petition. But the most interesting part of the brief is the substantive argument about the effect of……

  • Case of the Day: SerVaas Inc. v. Republic of Iraq

    The case of the day is SerVaas Inc. v. Republic of Iraq (S.D.N.Y. 2013). The underlying case was for recognition and enforcement of a judgment of the Paris Commercial Court. We covered the decision on the merits in February 2012. In short, SerVass won. It then sought to take post-judgment discovery. In today’s decision, SerVass……

  • Case of the Day: Lui-Dix v. Holder

    The case of the day is Lui-Dix v. Holder (7th Cir. 2013). Chia-I Lui-Dix was a Taiwan national. In 1996, she and her first husband, Yu-Ping Lin (who later died), were tried in Taiwan for violation of Taiwan’s Drug Eradication Act. The trial lasted fifteen minutes. The only witness was the chief of police; Lui-Dix……

  • Case of the Day: Ohno v. Yasuma

    The case of the day is Ohno v. Yasuma (9th Cir. 2013). Naoko Ohno was a Japanese national. While working in London, she joined the Saints of Glory Church, and when she returned to Tokyo she continued attending the church’s branch there. Part of the worship services she attended there was a recorded sermon by……

  • Case of the Day: Mezu v. Progress Bank of Nigeria

    The case of the day, Mezu v. Progress Bank of Nigeria, plc (D. Md. 2013), is a mess. Dr. Sebastian Okechukwu Mezu was the chairman of Emekuku Community Bank Nigeria Ltd. Mezu had previously obtained a default judgment against Progress Bank of Nigeria, plc, from the Federal Court in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Progress Bank had……