Category: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Albaniabeg Ambient v. Enel

    The case of the day is Albaniabeg Ambient Sh.p.k. v. Enel S.p.A. (S.D.N.Y. 2016). BEG S.p.A., an Italian company, contracted with the government of Albania to build and operate a hydroelectric plant. BEG also had a contract with Enel S.p.A., another Italian firm, to study the feasibility of the project. Later, BEG had a similar……

  • Case of the Day: V.L. v. E.L.

    The case of the day is V.L. v. E.L. (S. Ct. 2016). Longtime readers know that I have an interest in the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Today’s case is purely domestic and not a close call, but still interesting.

  • Merrick Garland on International Issues

    Today the President nominated Merrick Garland, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, to be a Justice of the Supreme Court. Tom Goldstein previously reviewed some of Judge Garland’s decisions, but his post dates from 2010, and anyway, it doesn’t focus on Letters Blogatory’s issues. So here is……

  • Badawi v. Alesawy

    The case of the day is Badawi v. Alesawy (N.Y. App. Div. 2016). This is the appeal of the case of the day from October 23, 2012. The parties were married civilly in New York in 1998, and they had an Islamic wedding ceremony thereafter. As part of the religious ceremony, they signed a mahr……

  • Case of the Day: Chen v. Sun

    The case of the day is Chen v. Sun (S.D.N.Y. 2016). Hsin-Cheng Chen sued Kelvin Sun and Jia Liu, seeking recognition and enforcement of a Chinese judgment. The complaint alleged that Chen was a Chinese citizen domiciled in Taiwan, that Sun was an American citizen whose “principal residence” was in New York, and that Liu,……