Month: June 2022

  • Case of the Day: JK v. VKP

    The case of the day is JK v. VKP (Sweden S. Ct. 2022). No, I do not generally keep track of the Swedish Supreme Court; I picked up on the case at the excellent EAPIL Blog. A daughter sought child support from her father. She sought an order requiring the father to produce Danish tax……

  • Event Announcement of the Day: ABLI/HCCH Event on COCA and the Judgments Convention

    Readers, check out this interesting upcoming webinar on Cross-border Commercial Dispute Resolution – HCCH 2005 Choice of Court and 2019 Judgments Conventions., the second in a series jointly hosted by the Singapore-based Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) and the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)! Here is the announcement: The webinar will take place on……

  • Lago Agrio: Second Circuit Affirms Conviction of Steven Donziger for Contempt of Court

    Yesterday the Second Circuit affirmed Steven Donziger’s conviction on charges of contempt of court. Donziger did not challenge the judge’s findings of fact on appeal, and there was no real question about the facts at the trial. Instead, Donziger argued that his prosecution was unconstitutional because the prosecutor was a private lawyer appointed by the……

  • Elephant Habeas: New York’s High Court Rejects “Elephants Are Persons” Nonsense

    Let me stipulate at the beginning that elephants are magnificent animals who have been treated badly by us human beings for a long time. We have hunted them for ivory, reduced their habitat, and mistreated them in captivity in the circus and in some zoos. I say some zoos because Happy, the elephant at the……

  • Antisemitism Rears Its Head In Massachusetts

    I’m going to ask your indulgence as I write about something upsetting, vaguely frightening, and entirely unrelated to international judicial assistance. An anonymous “multi-generational collective of activists and organizers” known as the Mapping Project has published a map of most of the key organizations in the organized Jewish community in Massachusetts. Lest you think this……