Chevron Seeks Confirmation of its Arbitral Award Against Ecuador
In May 2012, I noted that a Dutch court had refused to vacate a $96 million arbitral award Chevron had obtained against Ecuador on its 2006 claims that Ecuador violated the US/Ecuador BIT. Now Chevron has moved to confirm the award in the District of Columbia. Aside from the fact of the complaint, there is……
Two Blogs To Read
Letters Blogatory readers may be interested in two new blogs I recently discovered. First is the International Technology Law Blog, written by Chris Neumeyer of Asia Law, a Taipei law firm. The blog got started in May 2012, and Chris has already covered two issues of interest to Letters Blogatory readers: service of process by……
Fifty Shades of Gray: Canadian Court Rules that the Hague Service Convention Does Not Apply to Canadian Residents to be Served Abroad
Antonin I. Pribetic is the author of The Trial Warrior Blog. My thanks to Ted Folkman here at Letters Blogatory for inviting me to guest blog as the Canadian correspondent of the IJA Brigade. Ted has previously written about Canadian cases dealing with the issue of service of process under the Hague Service Convention, including……
Breaking: Lago Agrio Plaintiffs Sue Donziger
The Lago Agrio case has taken an interesting new turn. Steven Donziger, the crusading lawyer who has represented the Lago Agrio plaintiffs, whom Chevron is suing under the RICO Act, who was profiled in the New Yorker, and whose greatest regret is probably agreeing to be filmed for the documentary film Crude, has now been……
In re Application of Mesa Power Group
The case of the day is In re Application of Mesa Power Group, LLC (S.D. Fla. 2012). Mesa had commenced a NAFTA arbitration against Canada alleging inequitable treatment by the government of Ontario in the awarding of contracts in the renewable energy field. The arbitration was still at a very early phase—the notice of arbitration……