Case of the Day: In re Marriage of Lohman
The case of the day is In re Marriage of Lohman (Colo. Ct. App. 2015). The wife was an Englishwoman. She and the husband married in Colorado in 1997, and they had a child the next year. In 2008, after the couple separated, the wife moved to England with the child, while the husband stayed……
Case of the Day: Universal Group Development v. Yu
The case of the day is Universal Group Development Inc. (Saipan) v. Yu (D.N.M.I. 2015). I believe this is our first case from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Hafa Adai, Saipan! Just a brief word about the status of the Islands and the court: the Northern Mariana Islands are is an organized unincorporated……
Case of the Day: Alpha Bank Cyprus v. Si Senh
The case of the day is Alpha Bank Cyprus Ltd. v. Si Senh (E.C.J. 2015). Alpha Bank, a Cyprus bank, had lent money to Dau Si Senh and several other residents of the UK for the purchase of immovable property in Cyprus. Alpha sued Si Senh and the others for payment of the loans. The……
Lago Agrio: Donziger Takes The Canadian Decision For A Spin In The Second Circuit
Steven Donziger’s appellate counsel, Deepak Gupta, has filed a FRAP 28(j) letter in the Second Circuit with his suggested takeaways from the recent Yaiguaje decision.
Case of the Day: Persh v. Petersen
The case of the day is Persh v. Petersen (S.D.N.Y. 2015). Neil Persh lived in New York, and Aldo Petersen lived in Denmark. The two were friends and business partners. Persh sued Petersen for breach of an oral contract, and Petersen moved to dismiss for insufficient service of process.