Case of the Day: McCarty v. Roos

The case of the day is McCarty v. Roos (D. Nev. 2012). It’s a bit off the beaten path. Robert Joseph McCarty was convicted of “quasi indecent assault” in Japan in 2003. When he returned to the United States, he was required to register as a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration Notification Act. McCarthy argued that he had been denied due process in Japan,1The relevant part of SORNA, 42 USC [section] 16911(5)(B), provides: “A foreign conviction is not a sex offense for the purposes of this subchapter if it was not obtained with sufficient safeguards for fundamental fairness and due process for the accused [ellipsis]” and he sued several Nevada officials as well as John V. Roos, the US ambassador to Japan, and Joseph Koen, a US consular officer, in their individual and official capacities.

Roos and Koen moved to dismiss the claims asserted against them in their individual capacities on the grounds, among others, of insufficient service of process. At the time of service, Roos resided in Japan and Koen in Mexico. McCarthy had sought to serve both defendants by mail.

As for Japan, the court acknowledge that Japan had not objected to service by mail under Article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention, but following Ninth Circuit precedent in Brockmeyer v. May, he held that Article 10 did not, of its own force, authorize service by mail. This is correct, but note that the law is different elsewhere, e.g., in the Second Circuit. Service by mail in such circumstances is permissible under FRCP 4(f)(2)(C)(ii), but only if the clerk addresses and sends the mail, and the form of mail used requires a signed receipt.2Note that there are some instances of courts showing leniency on this requirement, at least where the clerk refuses to mail the papers and returns them to the plaintiff for service. But that apparently wasn’t the case here. Incidentally, this is a case where service by mail in Japan might actually make sense. Ordinarily, service by mail is to be avoided if the judgment will have to be enforced in Japan, because even though Japan has not objected to service by mail under the Convention, its declarations indicate that it may be difficult to enforce a judgment in Japan based on such service. But here the defendant was the US ambassador, and presumably the judgment could be enforced against him in the United States.

As for Mexico, the judge noted that Mexico, unlike Japan, has objected to service by mail under the Convention. So the attempt at service by mail was simply impermissible.

The judge therefore granted Roos and Koen’s motion, but with leave to attempt service again.

  • 1
    The relevant part of SORNA, 42 USC [section] 16911(5)(B), provides: “A foreign conviction is not a sex offense for the purposes of this subchapter if it was not obtained with sufficient safeguards for fundamental fairness and due process for the accused [ellipsis]”
  • 2
    Note that there are some instances of courts showing leniency on this requirement, at least where the clerk refuses to mail the papers and returns them to the plaintiff for service. But that apparently wasn’t the case here.

4 responses to “Case of the Day: McCarty v. Roos”

  1. Robert Joseph McCarty

    I plead for help with “Clean Hands” [no prior arrests,convictions, no “prior bad act” evidence or ever a hint of inappropriate sexual behavior] because I have lost my right to vote, required to register as a Tier 1 Sex Offender due to year 2003 Japanese conviction of “Quasi Indecent Assault” absent all due process consistent with the concepts of fundamental fairness; extensive psychological and physical torture;repeatedly beaten with punches to stomach,kicked in legs/shins, pushed against walls,head banged against walls/floors, arms twisted/held in judo locks,handcuffed tightly stop blood flow; hair pulled;threatened with a gun by the lead detective; remained in handcuffs for extended periods of time and denied use of toilet; forced to provide culpatory testimony written Japanese which was not understood, under beatings and threat of beating, to prosecutor without lawyer while tied to a chair for multiple hours,as late as 12:00 AM; trial lasted one full year; forced to sit at attention in 7 by 12 foot cell and never allowed to exercise in the cell, eventually suffered two (2) strokes and a heart attack; at trial, no jury trial; evidence access limited by Japanese law; not understanding the charges, because never informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation;not being able to confront one’s accusers, at trial, although 19 years of age, alleged victims testified facing the judge behind a screen; incriminating testimony written in Japanese, not understood because accused could not read Japanese, obtained while being tied to a chair and threatened, those statements that were signed under beatings and threat of beatings were in fact used during the trial; accused compelled to be a witness against self by being forced to testify statements that were not understood, both before prosecutor and detectives as well as before three (3) different judges at probable cause hearings, were in fact signed by the accused; consequently the conviction was based on not being allowed to adequately defend against the spurious charges and being compelled to testify against self; accused not allowed to contact or sit alongside the attorney, because forced to sit at attention between two (2) guards while rope tied around waist on a hard wooden bench; not allowed to talk to the attorney at all during trial; not allowed to take notes during trial; not allowed to present any exculpatory evidence at trial level; not allowed to introduce a rebuttal expert witness testimony nor cross examine the surprise expert witness for the prosecution; initial prosecutor relieved for lies to judge, prosecutor demanded Japanese witness contact American witness to discourage her from testifying with exculpatory evidence; prosecutor forced Japanese friendly witnesses to sign culpatory statements; attorney consultation severely limited and attorney not allowed at any prosecutor or detective interrogations or at other crucial periods of the justice process before Japanese judges at probable cause hearings, where compelled to sign culpatory statements under threat of beatings, written in Japanese,trial; i.e., During all interrogations the accused repeatedly insisted that the acts were not done, however the accused was compelled under threats of further torture and beating to falsely testify via written statements not understood, written in Japanese, that the accused simply did not remember doing those alleged acts; and then subsequently absent all United States Due Process which changed both federal and state legal status.
    Please help me in justice and fairness.
    I am a senior citizen (66); impoverished, honorably serving during time of war, United States Marine Corps Veteran (1964~1968) who is ignorant of the law.
    Nevada Federal Court Case Number 2:11-cv-01538-JCM-RJJ

    1. Mr. McCarty, it sounds like you need a good Nevada lawyer who can help you with your case. You might try the Nevada Bar’s lawyer referral service or the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada.

      1. Jose Torres

        every bit of what this man explained is true because it happened to me. the torture the beatings. not allowing exculpatory evidence, all of it. I was accused of horribly beating and raping a woman I had consensual sex with who got caught cheating by her soon to be husband. I was investigated by NCIS and proven right. yet none of this information was allowed at my trial the alleged victim claims I beat and raped and sodomized her yet all tests performed showed this was not true. but when I was given to the Japanese I was bound like Hannibal lecture in silence of the lamb. face covered and rolled from cell to interrogation on a dolly locked tight at the hands and feet and waist. while in interrogation I was beaten for 60 hrs straight with no stop until I agreed to what was said about me. then I was forced to sign documents in Japanese I can only assume were me admitting guilt. Japan has an honor system that when violated by a Japanese they are beaten and or killed depending on the violation of this honor. she cheated on her man with a “gaijin” the derogatory term for a foreigner. she was beaten 45 days after she made her accusations and I was in American custody, yet this primary evidence was never given in court. when my Japanese lawyer told me if I didn’t admit to these crimes I would never go home to America to my child and my wife. as it stood I say four years in prison six months of which I never saw the light of day. struggling for my life during the rainy season standing on a damn piss pipe to keep my head above water literally trying to survive. it’s been over twenty years since this happened to me and I only just had my name removed from Michigan registry. but still a prisoner be cause I can not even visit a state outside of Michigan without having to register due to another country and it’s open hatred for American military because of our bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. this hatred is powerful in many Japanese including the judges whose ages match the survival time of those military fights. I was not charged fairly nor was I given any opportunity to defend myself. I don’t know the update of the man in this case but my case took 19 years and two court cases with a prosecutor outright lying with falsified court documents as well as trying to remove the judge and my two attorneys, all of which I have proof of. the sex offender registry is a horrible list with incredible social consequences. I’ve been hunted, I’ve been walked out of towns by police at gun point just so I was not there, I’ve been beaten, my family left me, no friends and the complete ostrisization of me from society is worse than being homeless because you lose even that freedom of you don’t have a residence. There are monsters who belong on lists or in prison permanently but my history is clean, my life was ruined and I’m still a prisoner to one state, not allowed to own a weapon for protection, not allowed to vote, not even allowed to see our beautiful country without fear of being killed for being on a list for a crime I never committed.

        1. Mr. Torres, the best advice I can give you is to consult a lawyer who can advise you about your rights.

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