Tag: subpoena

  • Case of the Day: Chevron v. Weinberg Group

    The case of the day is Chevron Corp. v. Weinberg Group (D.C. Cir. 2012). I discussed the underlying case in my post of April 17, 2012. Chevron had sought to compel the production of documents from the Weinberg Group, which worked with the Lago Agrio plaintiffs on new expert reports after the Cabrera report was……

  • Case of the Day: Glenwood Systems v. Thirugnanam

    The case of the day, Glenwood Systems, Inc. v. Thirugnanam (C.D. Cal. 2012), is a good reminder why you cannot safely leave foreign evidentiary issues to the end of your case. Glenwood was a medical billing company in Connecticut. It sued Venkatesan Thirugnanam and Senthil Sundaresan, software engineers who founded Augment U.S., on a claim……

  • BC Files Its Brief

    An update from the now somewhat dormant Belfast Project case: here is Boston College’s appellate brief. In a way, this brief is a better read than Moloney & McIntyre’s, because it doesn’t have to deal with any of the underbrush in their case: standing, claims of a private right of action under the MLAT, all……

  • Case of Interest: Government of Ghana v. ProEnergy Services, LLC

    The case of the day is Government of Ghana v. ProEnergy Services, LLC (8th Cir. 2012). I first reported on the case in my post of July 14, 2011. To recap the facts: Ghana had entered into a contract with Balkan Energy Limited for the refurbishment of a power plant in Ghana. ProEnergy Services, LLC……

  • The Curse of TracFone

    Holy cow! TracFone is back in the Southern District of Florida. The first time we considered a TracFone case, I called the judge’s decision “one of those rare cases that is so wrong that I hope it does not get into the F. Supp.2d, so as to avoid misleading lawyers.” The second time, I wrote……