Tag: subpoena

  • More About Chevron’s Google Subpoena

    Not too long ago we saw the results of Chevron’s Google subpoena that requested information about the gmail account of law professor, blogger, and Chevron critic Kevin Jon Heller. It was clear that there were other targets out there and that Chevron had sought IP logs and other information about other email users from Google……

  • Belfast Project: The Government Opposes the Application for a Stay

    Yesterday the government filed its opposition to Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre’s application to Justice Breyer for a stay in the Belfast Project case. In an earlier order, Justice Breyer had granted a temporary stay pending the government’s opposition. The brief was filed by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. It makes two kinds of……

  • Belfast Project: High Court Rejects McIntyre’s Application for Judicial Review

    Several news sites, including the UTV, are reporting that a judge of the Belfast High Court has rejected Anthony McIntyre’s application for judicial review of the UK authorities’ decision to seek the Belfast Project interview materials under the mutual legal assistance treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom. A written decision is not……

  • The Belfast Project Case on EJIL: Talk!

    For the most part the Belfast Project case has gotten little attention in the international law blogosphere (aside from here at Letters Blogatory, of course). Now Joanna Harrington has published an interesting look at the case at EJIL that is well worth a read for its very clear summary of some of the main issues.……

  • Breaking: Justice Breyer Enters Stay In The Belfast Project Case

    Justice Breyer, acting as circuit justice, has stayed the First Circuit’s mandate in the Belfast Project case “pending receipt of a response, due on or before Thursday, October 11, 2012, by 4 p.m., and further order of [Justice Breyer] or of the Court” I’ll keep you posted as this develops.