Tag: Canada

  • Case of the Day: Belmont Partners v. Mina Mar

    The case of the day is Belmont Partners, LLC v. Mina Mar Group, Inc. (W.D. Va. 2010). It’s a perfect example of what should not happen in arbitration–the parties agreed to arbitrate, then settled, then one reneged on the settlement, then they sued each other in two countries. The parties were both in the business……

  • Digest for February 23, 2011

    Pearl Seas Cruises, LLC v. Irving Shipbuilding Inc., 2011 WL 577333 (D. Conn.).  In an arbitration between Connecticut business registered in Marshall Islands (Pearl Sea Cruises LLC) and a Canadian shipbuilder, the arbitration panel issued a partial decision, leaving issues of regulatory compliance and damages for later proceedings.  Pearl Sea Cruises petitioned to vacate in……

  • Case of the Day: Girafa.com, Inc. v. Smartdevil, Inc.

    The case of the day is Girafa.com, Inc. v. Smartdevil, Inc., 728 F.Supp.2d 537 (D.Del. 2010). Girafa.com, the assignee of U.S. Patent No. 6,864,904, sued Smartdevil, a Québec company, and several others for patent infringement. A bailiff personally served the summons and complaint on Smartdevil’s president, Stephane Lim. (There was some dispute whether the documents were delivered……

  • Case of the Day: Yugraneft Corp. v. Rexx Management Corp.

    The Blogatory case of the day, Yougraneft Corp. v. Rexx Mgmt. Corp., [2010] 1 S.C.R. 649 (Canada), is also our first foreign case. Before turning to the case itself, just a note about our international coverage: our coverage of international cases will typically lag behind our coverage of U.S. cases and will certainly be less……