Come hear the Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony
One of the great things about having a blog is you can occasionally go off-topic. This is one of those times! I wanted to let readers in Boston and Cambridge know about an upcoming concert by the Metropolitan Chorale of Brookline, under the direction of Lisa Graham. On March 9 at 8 pm, at Harvard’s……
Case of the Day: Greatship (India) Ltd. v. Marine Logistics Solutions, LLC
The case of the day, Greatship (India) Ltd. v. Marine Logistics Solutions, LLC (S.D.N.Y. 2012), is another example of what I think is an unfortunate trend in the cases: application of ordinary notions of personal jurisdiction in recognition and enforcement proceedings. Greatship was the owner of two Indian-flagged anchor handling tug supply vessels, the Greatship……
Case of the Day: In re Marriage of Shults
The case of the day, In re Marriage of Shults (Minn. Ct. App. 2012), is the rare family law case (aside from international child abduction cases) that raises judicial assistance issues. Mr. and Mrs. Shults were married in 1984. In 2006, the family moved from Minnesota to Norway. In 2009, the wife and the couple’s……
Update on the Belfast Project Appeal
The First Circuit has now consolidated the two pending appeals in the Belfast project case: Moloney & McIntyre’s appeal from the denial of their motion for leave to intervene in Boston College’s motion to quash, and their appeal from the dismissal of their complaint against the Attorney General. In a follow-on order setting the schedule,……
Arbitrators Issue First Interim Award Against Ecuador
While our attention has been focused over the past few days on developments in the Second Circuit, there have been developments in the BIT arbitration between Chevron and Ecuador pending in the Hague. Back in February 2011, the tribunal, though it had not then ruled on its jurisdiction, issued a procedural order under Article 26……