Chevron Turns Back A Challenge To A BIT Arbitral Award
I’ve previously written about the BIT arbitration between Chevron and Ecuador that Chevron commenced in September 2009. This is the arbitration in which the tribunal ordered Ecuador to take steps to suspend the effectiveness of the Lago Agrio judgment. But I don’t think I’ve yet written about an earlier BIT arbitration between Chevron and Ecuador……
Case of the Day: Injazat Technology Fund v. Najafi
The case of the day is Injazat Technology Fund v. Najafi (N.D. Cal. 2012). Injazat and Hamid Najafi, an American, were both parties to an investment agreement with Broadlink Research FZ, LLC, a Dubai company. Najafi was Broadlink’s CEO. Under the agreement, Injazat agreed to buy 35% of Broadlink’s stock for $3 million. The agreement……
Case of the Day: Gundlach v. IBM
The case of the day is Gundlach v. IBM (S.D.N.Y. 2012). Frederick Gundlach sued IBM Japan, Ltd. for breach of contract and violations of the Japanese labor law. He served the summons and complaint by registered mail, which he apparently mailed himself. IBM Japan moved to dismiss for insufficient service of process. The judge denied……
BC Files Its Brief
An update from the now somewhat dormant Belfast Project case: here is Boston College’s appellate brief. In a way, this brief is a better read than Moloney & McIntyre’s, because it doesn’t have to deal with any of the underbrush in their case: standing, claims of a private right of action under the MLAT, all……
Case of Interest: Government of Ghana v. ProEnergy Services, LLC
The case of the day is Government of Ghana v. ProEnergy Services, LLC (8th Cir. 2012). I first reported on the case in my post of July 14, 2011. To recap the facts: Ghana had entered into a contract with Balkan Energy Limited for the refurbishment of a power plant in Ghana. ProEnergy Services, LLC……