Case of the Day: In re Chevron Corp.
The case of the day is In re Application of Chevron Corp. (S.D. Fla. 2012). Chevron applied under § 1782 for leave to issue a subpoena to Banco Pichincha, C.A. Miami Agency for account records for the Amazon Defense Front, Luis Yanza Angamarca, Jorge Enrique Jurado Mosquera, CESAQ-PUCE Laboratory, and Selva Viva Selviva Cia Ltda.,……
Chevron Puts Trade Pressure on Ecuador
Chevron has renewed its effort to put economic pressure on Ecuador to carry out the order of the BIT tribunal requiring Ecuador to suspend operation of the Lago Agrio judgment. To understand the latest moves, a little background is in order. In 1991, the Andean Trade Preference Act became law.The purpose of the ATPA was……
The Lago Agrio Case in Brazil: Why?
Rafael Salomão Romano is a fourth-year law student at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janiero. He has been an International Judicial Assistance scholar since 2010, working under Prof. Dr. Daniela Trejos Vargas. He is also an intern in the law department at the Globo Organization, Brazil’s largest media corporation. Ecuadorians are currently seeking……
Rafael Salomão Romano on the Lago Agrio Case in Brazil
It’s a pleasure to introduce a guest post by Letters Blogatory’s correspondent in Brazil, Rafael Salomão Romano. Rafael is a student at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. I previously noted a paper he wrote with his professor, Daniela Trejos Vargas, and others on the enforcement of American letters rogatory in Brazil. I……
More on the new Brazilian Action in the Lago Agrio Case
Here is an unofficial translation of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ complaint seeking recognition and enforcement of their Ecuadoran judgment in Brazil. In my last post on the case, I noted that both Brazil and Ecuador were parties to the Montevideo Convention, an OAS treaty that several South and Central American states have ratified. The Convention……