Case of the Day: Payward v. Chechetkin
The case of the day is Payward, Inc. v. Chechetkin, [2023] EWHC 1780 (Comm). Friend of Letters Blogatory Alexander Shirtcliff of Blake Morgan instructed counsel for Chechetkin, a British national living in England. Chechetkin signed up for an account with the Kraken online cryptocurrency exchange. His contract—a clickwrap contract— was with Payward Ltd. The contract……
Case of the Day: United States v. SLH2021 S.A.
The case of the day is United States v. SLH2021 S.A. (E.D. La. 2023). The PS Dream was a Panamanian-flagged tanker that was held by the US Coast Guard pending an investigation for violations of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, the statute implementing the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.……
Case of the Day: American Graphics Institute v. Noble Desktop NYC
The case of the day is American Graphics Institute, LLC v. Noble Desktop NYC, LLC (D. Mass. 2023). Noble was a consultant to AGI. The claim was that Noble had taken advantage of its position to learn about AGI’s “internal sales, marketing, promotional tactics, technical processes, and strategies,” to gain “access to AGI’s copyrighted works……
Case of the Day: In re Kirkland
The case of the day is In re Kirkland (9th Cir. 2023). John Kirkland lent money to EPD Investments between 2007 and 2009, when he was living in California. He later assigned the loans to the Bright Conscience Trust, a trust he and his wife had created for their children, and of which his wife,……
Tony Bennett, 1926-2023
Farewell to Tony Bennett, one of the greatest performers of the Great American Songbook. I don’t know what the experts would say, but to me, these songs, from Broadway, jazz standards, and even movies, are are our Puccini, our great popular art. They are as American as baseball, and Tony Bennett is the Joe DiMaggio……