Author: Ted Folkman

  • Good Cause of the Day: Helping to Protect the Rohingya

    Good Cause of the Day: Helping to Protect the Rohingya

    Readers, I encourage you to consider signing this petition, which asks Facebook to remove Burmese military accounts that have been used to encourage violence against the Rohingya, the minority ethnic group in Myanmar that has been subject to genocidal violence at the hands of the Burmese state. We (especially we Americans) have a lot to……

  • Scandal of the Day: Washington, DC Sewer Service

    Scandal of the Day: Washington, DC Sewer Service

    Josh Kaplan of DCist published a major exposé on fraudulent service of process in Washington DC, leading to many tenants being evicted without ever having been served with process. The problem arises when private process servers, who are paid by the job, submit false affidavits. Kaplan was able to show that affidavits were false by……

  • Case of the Day: Servotronics v. Rolls-Royce

    The case of the day is Servotronics, Inc. v. Rolls-Royce PLC (7th Cir. 2020). I wrote about a related Fourth Circuit case earlier this year. The case deepens the circuit split on whether Section 1782 reaches private foreign arbitrations. The Fourth and Sixth Circuits have recently said “yes.” The Second and Fifth Circuits had said……

  • Supreme Court Update

    Today is the first day of the Supreme Court’s October 2020 term. Unfortunately, the Court denied my petition for cert. in the Changzhou SinoType case. Of course, “petition denied” is always the statistically likely outcome, but I felt that we gave this as good a shot as we could, and I and others more knowledgeable……

  • Changzhou SinoType v. Rockefeller: More Developments

    Readers, there were two new developments in the Changzhou SinoType case yesterday. First, the Chinese government sent a letter to the Department of Justice expressing its objections to the California court’s decision permitting service by postal channels in China in a case where the Hague Service Convention applied. The letter was dated Sunday. I’d like……