Author: Ted Folkman

  • Ecuadoran Appeals Court Affirms Judgment Against Chevron

    The BBC is reporting that an Ecuadoran appellate court has affirmed the $18 billion judgment against Chevron. I don’t yet have further details on the decision yet. Chevron has issued a press release rejecting the decision. Opinio Juris has coverage. Readers may recall that the Ecuadoran plaintiffs stipulated that they would not begin proceedings to……

  • Case of the Day: Pacific Worldwide v. Ample Bright Development

    The case of the day is Pacific Worldwide, Inc. v. Ample Bright Development, Ltd. (S.D.N.Y. 2011). The Plaintiffs, Pacific Worldwide and Pacific International Alliance, are US apparel manufacturers. The defendants, Ample Bright Development, Ltd. and Fortune Enterprises, Ltd., are Hong Kong businesses that acted as the plaintiffs’ agents in Hong Kong. The facts of the……

  • Judge Young Rules Against BC In The Project Belfast Case

    We have been closely following the Boston College Project Belfast case. If you haven’t been following, this is the case in which the government, at the request of the UK authorities, issued a subpoena to Boston College’s Project Belfast for oral histories that BC researchers took from participants in the Northern Ireland conflict. The researchers……

  • Welcome China Law Blog Readers!

    If you’ve followed a link from Dan Harris’s indispensable China Law Blog, welcome! I hope you’ll stick around here at Letters Blogatory. While Dan’s focus is obviously geographic, mine is topical—I cover international judicial assistance in US civil litigation, which includes nuts-and-bolts topics such as obtaining evidence abroad, enforcing foreign judgments, service of process, and……

  • Letters Blogatory’s 2012 Legislative Agenda

    This is the third and last in my series of end-of-the year posts—the Letters Blogatory legislative wish list for 2012. I will unleash Letters Blogatory’s crack team of lobbyists to get the ball rolling, but if one of these suggestions strikes you as a good idea, why not send a note to your representative or……