Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Capozzo v. Mendal

    The case of the day is Capozzo v. Mendal, 2011 WL 7029841 (Conn. Super. Ct. Dec. 22, 2011). Capozzo sued Mendal, asserting that Mendal injured her in an automobile collision in New Haven. Mendal resided in the Netherlands, a party to the Hague Service Convention. According to the return of service, a “deputy court bailiff”……

  • Case of the Day: Agility Public Warehousing Co. v. Supreme Foodservice

    The case of the day is Agility Public Warehousing Co. v. Supreme Foodservice GmbH (S.D.N.Y. 2011). Supreme wanted to bid on a US government contract to supply food to the troops in Afghanistan. It made a contract with Agility Public Warehousing and Professional Contract Administrators, firms that supplied food to troops in Iraq, Kuwait, and……

  • Belfast Project: The Government Moves for Reconsideration

    A hat tip to Chris Bray, who has posted the government’s motion for reconsideration of Judge Young’s order. I had noted the possibility of a government challenge to the order, but I’m a little surprised that the government wasn’t satisfied with what it got. The government points out that Boston College had not reviewed the……

  • Breaking News: New Ruling in the Belfast Project Case

    Yesterday, Judge Young ruled that most of the interviews Boston College turned over to him for in camera inspection need not be produced in response to the government’s second subpoena. The decision doesn’t rest on any high constitutional principles. Rather, the gist of the judge’s decision is that most of the materials are not within……

  • Irish Radio Interviews On The Belfast Project Case

    [box type=”alert”]Update: The recording of the interview is apparently no longer available on the RTÉ website. Sorry![/box] My interview with Fran McNulty of RTÉ Radio 1 on the Belfast Project case is now available. The interview begins at 21:15 in the clip. It’s preceded by an interview with Prof. Mary Daly of University College, Dublin……