Author: Ted Folkman

  • Hints of Developments in the Belfast Project Case

    There are hints of new developments in the Belfast Project case in an article published yesterday in The Heights, a student newspaper at BC. First, BC’s spokesman says that the College is still deciding whether to appeal. This is somewhat surprising to me, given that BC did not seek a stay of the judge’s order.……

  • Cert. Watch: Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran

    One of our cases of the day, Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 637 F.3d 783 (7th Cir. 2011), is on SCOTUSBlog’s list of petitions to watch for tomorrow’s conference at the Supreme Court. The case involved efforts of a victim of a Hamas terror attack in Israel to collect on a default judgment against……

  • Case of the Day: United States v. Cohen

    The case of the day is United States v. Cohen (C.D. Ill. 2012). The government had a lien on the property of Irving Cohen for unpaid taxes. The claim in the case was that one of the defendants, The Windsor Organization, Inc., owned a property as Cohen’s alter ego or nominee, and that the government……

  • Case of the Day: L’Institute National De L’Audiovisuel v. Kultur International Films, Ltd.

    The Paris Commercial Court goes two for two with today’s case of the day, L’Institute National De L’Audiovisuel v. Kultur International Films, Ltd. (D.N.J. 2012). INA is the repository of all French government audio and audiovisual archives, and it owns the copyright for many of the recordings. Kultur is a distributor of audiovisual recordings of……

  • Welcome to Aldricus!

    I would like to welcome a new blog to the private international law blogosphere. It’s called Aldricus, named for a medieval glossator, and it is run by Pietro Franzina, a professor at the University of Ferrara. So far the focus is on European developments. I give Aldricus a hearty “Benvenuti nella blogosfera”!